Sunday, December 22, 2013

Conservative Corner: Our Rights or Wrongs

When I first started writing this opinion column, about a year ago, I feared I might run out of things to write about. I thought that once I finished writing about the core issues of a middle-aged, conservative, Christian and tea party issues I would be scratching my head to find something else within the conservative mind set. Luckily for me, the American left-leaning society, liberals, and the liberal media didn’t let me down.
            To most tea party followers, conservatives, and independent minded people there are two documents that are sacred, The Constitution of the United States of America/The Bill of Rights, and The Bible. This kind of love for God and county seems to be stifled and even sometimes discouraged by the left and liberal-minded media. For the right-minded Americans, our society seems to be telling them that support of a moral Christian faith, the right to bear arms, the right to free speech and the love of country is only acceptable if it is done according to the left and liberal mind-set.
            We have seen this throughout the year. Many Christians do not adhere to the idea of abortion or the need of birth control, however, Sandra Fluke stood up in front of a House Oversight Committee to tell us that she is so sexually active she can not afford her own condoms and that it is her “right” to receive free contraception paid for by the tax payer. Liberals seem to find different ways to let us know what they think their rights are.  Is it the right of the tax payer to pay for the contraception of those who apparently have no sexual moral compass?
            For several years those on the left seem to have come to the conclusion that guns operate on their own. Many liberals have the belief that guns kill people. Therefore, in a world of pixie dust and unicorns, removing guns would eliminate all deaths in schools, malls, and public places. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world, or a perfect country, for that matter. We all have the right to be safe, but does that mean we need to ignore the 2nd Amendment for the sake of a few people who are mentally unstable?
            Earlier this year a Gresham bakery, Sweet Cakes by Melissa, made national news by refusing to make a cake for a lesbian wedding. The owners are Christians and they claimed making the cake for that activity is against their religious views. Critics of the action claim that the owners of the bakery are homophobic and have violated an Oregon civil rights law. Unfortunately for the critics, according to, there was no violation for not making a cake for the event.  Was there a violation of rights for the gay couple or the bakery? Maybe Sweet Cakes by Mellissa could have made a cake for the gay wedding, but then the religious rights of the bakery owner would have been violated. Again, in cases like this, whose rights are more important and supersede the other?
            More recently anyone with access to cable TV, use of a computer, or have a smart phone has probably seen the reaction of reality TV star Phil Robertson in GQ Magazine. The phrase that has apparently upset the GLAAD group, the gay community and a great deal of the liberal mindset was,  “It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”, as found on Robertson went on to say, “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he says. Then he paraphrases Corinthians: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”
            The words that were reported on may seem harsh to some, however, the words that not everyone in the media heard or read were “We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?” If people claim that Robertson is a homophobe for not agreeing with the gay lifestyle, does that make people who do not agree with Christianity christiphobes?
            The left promptly prosecuted Robertson for an opinion and for reading scripture, on the other hand Miley Cirus can lewdly dance on stage in front of families and she is heralded as an artist with the rights of free speech. Suppose the question is, once again, who has the most rights, a man who is exercising his 1st Amendment guarantee of the freedom of worship, or the people who are offended too easily by what they assume to be hate speech.
            With the trash that is on TV recently and the persecution of Christianity, I believe it is safe to say who is being better protected by a skewed opinion of the 1st Amendment. The freedom of speech is for all Americans and not just the ones who agree with the liberal media. Maybe we should think about that the next time a Christian or conservative says something that might be considered offensive to people who have been offending the right-minded people for years, the liberal left.


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